Texas Republican party adopts far-right position that homosexuality is ‘abnormal’
Wilful Ignorance, the State of Texas, stolen from Mexico,
"Delegates at biennial convention also approve platform declaring that Joe Biden was not legitimately elected

The Republican party in Texas has officially adopted a series of extreme-right positions that includes claims Joe Biden was not legitimately elected and homosexuality is “abnormal”.
In a platform adopted at its biennial convention in Houston, delegates voted to oppose “all efforts to validate transgender identity”, including the use of taxpayer funds for any “medical gender dysphoria treatments or sex change operations”.
The anti-trans and homophobic declarations are part of the state party’s new guiding principles, in a section titled homosexuality and gender issues, which contradict claims by some Republicans that the GOP wants to be more inclusive.
I often hear Republicans say they want to make a "bigger tent" and to be more inclusive.
— Sergio Martínez-Beltrán (@SergioMarBel) June 17, 2022
It's clear that many Texas Republicans don't want LGBT+ people in it. Here's some of the flyers being passed around at the TX GOP Convention: #txleg #txpol pic.twitter.com/3S7vDX9WfM
Adopted planks include opposition to giving a special legal status to gay men or women, while supporting those who oppose homosexuality based on faith, religion or a belief in “traditional values”. Military personnel, prison inmates and young people struggling with body dysmorphia and gender identity issues are singled out as groups who should not receive care and treatment.
The state party’s stance is a rebuke to Biden’s recent executive order designed to protect the LGBTQ community from a wave of state laws in Republican states such as Texas that prevent access to health care resources and ban the discussion of sexual orientation and gender identity in schools.
In another section dedicated to education, the platform calls for students in Texasto “learn about the humanity of the preborn child”, by witnessing a live ultrasound and the use of fetal baby models. The supreme court decision on abortion access is expected in the coming days, but Texas has already criminalized abortion in most cases.
The resolution embracing falsehoods about the 2020 election stated that “substantial election fraud in key metropolitan areas significantly affected the results in five key states in favor of … Biden.” The state party rejects “the certified results of the 2020 presidential election, and we hold that acting President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. was not legitimately elected by the people of the United States.”
The resolution encouraged Republicans to “show up to vote” in the November midterms, and to “bring your friends and family, volunteer for your local Republicans and overwhelm any possible fraud”.
The state party also supports further restriction on mail-in voting and for the Voting Rights Act of 1965, the landmark legislation which outlawed racial discrimination in elections, to be “repealed and not reauthorized”.
Overall, the new platform provides more evidence of Texas Republicans moving further to the extreme right. Republicans, who control the legislature, governor’s mansion and every statewide office, have used their dominance to push through a swath of regressive laws in recent months including anti-abortion, anti-LGBTQ, anti-migrant and anti-voting rights legislation.
Steve Toth, the state representative for part of Montgomery county, a Houston suburb, denied the party was moving to the right. “Defense of marriage? Abortion? Second Amendment? Where have we moved to the right?… The Republicans have always been strong defenders of constitutional family values.”
The church made Biden do what he did. The church is sodomistic wanting to judge in a manner that Jesus did not judge. All of the people of Sodom wanted one person to judge the two beings in Lot's house. People elect a Judge to sit on a high place. That is the same thing. Jesus does not judge in the manner that an earthly judge judges. It is up to you to not see God as a consuming fire. Jesus judges not the unseen Father. The mind of the unseen Father needs to be in our mind.
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ReplyDeleteJesus is married to males and females that he saves. Marriage supper of the lamb is marrage to Jesus. Jesus is in the minds of the saved. All will be married to each other. Christs Spirit is already in the non-human animals. Christ is not in the constitution or voting either. We need to regulate ourselves. God needs to control us, not money. Let people be people. The churches paranoid fear of open nudity compounded the transgender thing. Some indians were transgender. Indians did not make a big deal of it. Faith comes by reading God's word. Why ne4ed faith when what is not yet seen is finally seen? Jesus gives peace that the world cannot give. Legal system does not do that. How then is Jesus in it? Jesus cared about all, even his enemies. I see defiled religion not pure undefiled religion talked about in jamies 1:26 - 27, KJV. Biden did use Fraud. That much is correct. The evil church compelled Biden to do that. All of us are sexual. How is that denied? Listen to hear Jesus through people. I hear the non condeming Father God when zoosexuals talk and when pedophilia people talk and when transsexual people talk and when gays talk. God talks through clothing optional peiople too. The church is working hard to change that. The church made Left people who use the same kind of judging that Christs enemies used. Money causes abortion when it is used world wide. God's giving kind Spirit is stifled. People end up getting junk.
ReplyDeletelaw as we know it is ungodly. Jesus did not obey legal and illegal. The voice of the Unseen Father is not in it. Free whatever went out the window when people came to this continent from Spain. Censoring known and unknown makes freedom of speach to be a lie. Sexualities cannot talk openly. They are afraid. Freedom of speech is therefore a lie. God's law is eternal. Criminal law, thank God, is not eternal. How then is Criminal law God's law? It will therefore be Satan's law. Indians gave each other rights allowing them to do what they wanted to do, before they even knew of that consept. God's mind in the Indians. Trump is right about Biden. Trump is not lying. People who love fraud, speaking of it in an affectionate way will lie. Jesus who is honest will not speak in that manner. Trump is blind about the church who caused what is. We would not have a person who sits on a high place fooling themselves into thinking they are above all of humanity. Satan likes being self-deceived in a human. Sodomites wanted one person to go to Lot's door.
ReplyDeleteGenisis 19:9: KJV.
Insurance is a cruel joke just like the Lottery or any big money thing. The money puts people into a higher tax bracket. Money evaporates like water that is boiling. God will not do that to himself through a person. God invented free. Satan makes the world to fear having the non-condemning peacful mind of the Father in their mind who made free. Modest apparel is about not making your naked body to look like Lucifer - Satan. Satan, as that being is now called, is a colorful being dressed in what we call costly apparel - Gold, gems, pearls.
Syrian refugees are Muslims who want to eventually destroy you. They want their military possition in what they call Palestine. Muslims want to finish what they started 600 years after Christ. Muslims are obeying the Fallen Lucifer.
There should have been an insurrection on January 6. Dead people were purposely used by Democrats. They should not join they that they used, calling it good? The whole loaf will be corrupted with evil when a little evil is seen. It is like mold.
ReplyDelete":Watergate prosecutor: Georgia case could ‘send Donald Trump to prison'" Biden needs to be shot not repenting of his known fraud.
ReplyDeletePeople think Guys is a swear word now. There is no such thing as a swear word in scripture.
ReplyDeleteRepublicans are not pissed about nothing. They had a reason to be at the capital January 6. Democrats are lying.
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ReplyDeleteRefusing care based on beliefs be they about God or being democrat or republican is insane. That is not judging rightly. Righteous judging condemns no one. The person wanting this however does not have Jesus rulling over them. Jesus says slay them before me. Democrats don't have Jesus rulling over them. The Pope does not have jesus rulling over him maintaining Biblical lies. b
ReplyDeleteReligious as it is taught is a lie. Jamie's 1:26 – 27 talks about religion, but it is not what the evil church says. Jesus is the king of Moral. He does not care about where you put your penis. He does not care about who shows testicles and a penis. Devils fuss about that. He cares about seeing his peaceful loving self in people. There were no abortions before money was introduced. Money takes the place of God. God wants to control us not wanting money controling us. Why are people loving lies? Diversity is a lie. We are humans. We are people.
Love others even as you want to be loved. Do unto others what you would want others to do unto you. Church lies made people to think like they think. That mindset killed many indians.
HIV is a collection of symptoms that are given a name. People need NUCCA or Grostic chiropractors. Prevention is important. Other technique names on Upcspine. They need to be board certified in precision upper cervical specific techniques and X rays and Analysis of those X rays. Try squares are used. Wait 4 - 5 days after a traumatic event
What the fuck are people needing to be pardoned for? Being pissed that democrat cheated in every which way that can be imagined. All of them who have not repented deserve death.
ReplyDeleteDemocrats sanctioning the deliberate premeditated intent to have dead people vote, need to be as dead as the people who voted, not even knowing that they voted.
ReplyDeleteThe votes being rejected in 2020 would have caused real riots from Democrats. Democrat votes needed to be rejected. Rigging went on. People would literally need to be beside themselves in order for the number of votes to come out of spesific states in the USA. That is not possible and yet twice the number of votes were tallied in the state than the number of people in the state. Something screwy is going on. People cannot see that? Democrats who loaded boxes of fake votes need to be as dead as the people represented in those boxes. Republicans were not rioting. Democrats riot destroying buissnesses and whatever else. Democrats - Left people think that white people are evil needing to die. That is evil. Evil people lie. The church caused what is.
ReplyDeleteThe words Biden said and were repeated were not taken out of context. People who use boxes and boxes of dead people pre planned to boost the vote will lie. What else should a person exspect?
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ReplyDeleteI don't blame people for wanting an insurrection. An ungodly person is in the white house. A Blasphemer will say Jesus is heard when Biden and his democrats talk. Thorns and thistles are given to Trump. Democrats are giving the wicked fruits of Satan.
ReplyDeletePeople need to get what they give. Destroyers need to be coddled - pampered? People need to multiply Democrat destroyers. That is what we need to do?
ReplyDeleteI listen to you Trump. Devil possessed bullies are against you. Muslims are instructing Leftist Bullies. Catholic church who sangtifed the killing of Indians caused what is happening. They brought money. You don't want to hear that, but it is the truth. This is a fear me nation with laws that exist. God is not in that. People need to work out their own salvation not making people to be afraid.
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ReplyDeleteThere is nothing bad about being a homosexual, or a zoosexual being sexually intimate with another species. Pedophilia is not bad. What is bad is not being like Jesus. What is bad is having the righteousness of Christs enemies who constantly tried to find a fault in Jesus. Devils do that trying in vain to save themselves through a person.
ReplyDeleteJesus is pro love. He does not know people who are anti to loving people. Don't people know Jesus?
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ReplyDeleteWhatever is, is normal. Sex, ejaculation is normal. That offends devils. A hand or mouth on a penis of whatever kind is a harmless act. Some are inserted into a natural hole of their choosing. Devils are offended. Devils don't know how to judge in the manner that Jesus judged. What else are they going to do? They are going to make whoever to be afraid. People hate the sight of normal. Our body is normal. The church says hide it with abnormal things like clothing. There is no such thing as a swear word in the bible. Church people grab ahold of lies saying they have the truth. People need to do what Jesus did. Jesus evaluated himself. People who attack others are not evaluating themselves. People who are attacking Trump are not evaluating themselves.
ReplyDeleteWhatever you do, do it to the glory of God. Strive not with a person had they done you no harm. Trans have not harmed you. Gays have not harmed you. Nude people have not harmed you. Zoosexuals have not harmed you. All of them don't even think of harming you. It does not glorify God to strive against them.
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ReplyDeleteDon't feel sorry for deliberate fraudulent people who lie. Muslims do this trying to make people to feel sorry for them. Those Left people are taking a page out of a Muslims play book. Leftists lie. People and humans are one. Racist says that people and Humans are not people or humans. There is no name to replace them, and yet they think there is a name to replace them that is never spoken of. Balderdash. Dead people voted. There were tampered ballots, and Illegal voting booths that change votes to name a few. More votes were recorded than the population of whatever state. Evil people came here in 1492. They brought voting, legal system fake unbiblical swearing and money. How can all of that be called good? Satan's throne - court system will lie. Evidence was not even looked at. Dems were working with Muslims. Honesty will not result. It was lady. People from graves, mortuaries and crematoriums were used to add to people who voted. The dead know not anything. The church lies with eternal suffering. The soul that sins it shall die means exactly that. Liars made the voting system as we know it. It has been made to be sinful to work out your own salvation. The church is calling Jesus a sinner when he, a male, is married - being one with a person that he saves. Born again people will not want to spill the blood of a person. They will not be like Christs enemies who thought they were not born pf fornication being of Aberham's seed having their Father to be God. They were none of them wanting Jesus to be dead. The church is like them. Islam is of the Devil. I will not lie. Muhammad saw the fallen Lucifer posing as Gabriel in that cave. That being did not say fear not to Muhammad. Gabriel will say that. Satan brought money to have money control us rather than having God control us even as the Non condemning unseen Father controlled Jesus. The mind of the unseen Father needs to be in our mind. The Pope is not the Father. Liberty would have been given to the Indians had they been like Leaf Ericson who went back to Greenland. It is basophilia's to call a human institution supreme. Jesus is he that is supreme. Seperation of church and state is a lie. The Non - condemning Unseen Father God is not in either one of them.
ReplyDeleteOH - My - gosh O.O we have all of these bad guns. No bad humans doing bad to God's image - just bad guns. Why don't democrats look silly on TV giving guns a lecture on not shooting people?
ReplyDeleteWhat did God do to dishonest people? God said live long and prosper? Democrats have not been honest.
ReplyDeletePierce a person. Pierce Jesus. The church does not teach that. That is why we have people piecing people. Whoever is offended by what I type will have a devil in them who is offended by whatever 24/7 not keeping God's laws.
ReplyDeleteNo one would have showed up at the capital had dems been honest. Fat chance of that happening. Democrats raised their dishonesty to another level making them say fraud greater than all of USA history. That brought the republicans. Cause and effect.
ReplyDeleteNews people are only telling half of the story. They don't dare break the illusion. News people want people to believe 100% lies. Republicans had a reason to be there January 6. Fraud of epic proportions brought them there. Republicans were locked away from voting at specific places. Dead people were used. People who do that should get a good reward? hardly.
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ReplyDeleteNews broadcasting places give half of the story. That half is not even honest. A deceptive devil is not honest at all. I judge rightly. Deceptiveness is obvious giving the apperance that nothing brought republicans on jan 6, 2020. It is look what people are doing, exaggerating everything, not saying why they are there. A 100% liar is talking through Leftist news broadcasting people perpetuating misinformation, not daring to tell any part of the story. They warp everything making people think whatever happened, when whatever did not happen. News people hoped that a straight-faced lie will sound like it is true. News broadcasting place need to change or be no more. News people and Russian propaganda are two peas in the same pod.
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ReplyDeleteTrump is right. Dems are always wrong using the wrong kind of judging. That wrong judging has been used against every single cartoon character and DR Seuss. Dems cannot counsel anyone. It is attack. I am glad Jesus is not like a Leftist democrat.
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ReplyDeleteWhy don't people see priests as they are? Money bringing blasphimious Indian killers. That is what happened when catholic priests came here. People gloss over that. Jesus is the Father, not any priest or Pope. The catholic church is 100% lies. That church hides truth.
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ReplyDeleteGood will toward men does not mean here, take my rejected junk. I don't want it any more. Dumpster dive in a building. God gave to us his best. His image is not doing that one to another. Money used world wide is a heavy chain keeping people from doing that.
ReplyDeleteDems like scaring people just like Satan. All they want to do is scare Trump. People cannot figure out who Democrats serve? It is a being who will be burned up on the last day.
ReplyDeleteIt is blasphamy to say America is Christian. 24 hour fear giving laws would not exist. Money would not exist. The Non guilt giving, non condemning Unseen Father would be in our mind. People could be nude showing that they are a mammal. They could be themselves. People would be like Jesus. We have people who are like Christs enemies.
ReplyDeleteMarmaduke needs a sheath and testicles. Devils frown on them.
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ReplyDeleteDems say republicans planned when they went to the capital. Democrat fraud was planned too. That is why republicans were there. They know what Dems don't want to say. That is why dems give half of the story. Dems are as obvious as a fart in church.
ReplyDeleteVaping is not as harmless as you think. It will give what is known as popcorn lungs.
ReplyDeleteDevils in are complaining through Muslims in India raising mayhem. Truth is spoken. Devils hate truth. I have been warning people about Muslims for a long time. Their Allah cannot be God. Allah cannot us the name Father God. Muslims know that is the truth. Destroying makes Muslims think they are right even when they know they are wrong. It is dangerous to have that mentality around you.
ReplyDeleteJewish people lived on all of that land during a 300 year period of time after Christ. Muslims tried to steal all of it 300 years latter. Muslims are trying to steal all of the land on the planet. Putin and all need to wake up. It may already be to late. This has to do with what is happening in India.
ReplyDeletePeople need to be like Jesus above all things. To deny people guns is to chastise jesus for wanting a sword in gethsemane. Can't people see who used it and who did not use it and why? Jesus preserved his soul by not using it. Jesus would have lost to Satan had he used it. Swords then, are like our guns, today.
ReplyDeleteTime has run out on people who die thinking that killing is a good thing. Putin thinks killing is a good thing, convinsing others of the same thing. They will die forever in God's light that cannot be extinguished. I am telling you the truth Putin. tell your troops to stand down. Tell them to go home to their wives. Jesus can save to the uttermost who come to him. Jesus did not war.
ReplyDeleteDogbert is trying to get her to accept lower pay. God never talked about pay. Jesus did not give us an example about pay or charge or price tags. Freely we have received all things. Seek and find, and ask and receive have nothing to do with the Financial system that is known. The Unseen Father wants to control us even as he controlled Jesus.
ReplyDeleteTrump is justified. Left people who decimate the character of cartoonists who make childlike cartoons will decimate the character of Trump. Left people are dangerous. Left people are making God out to be bad when they make Speedy Gonzalas, Pepe Le Pew and others to be bad. It is not cling to power. Left people are speaking of themselves. Satan does that through people.
ReplyDeleteThe consept of spend is a concept that came from Satan's mind. Make god's image to not give to his image at all. Make them buy whatever. Make god's image to obtain less than what they really wantvb or not be able tyo obtain anu ythntg at all\. satan isa dedv erious beinfg. Satan makers people w thnink that Money makes tghem tyo be sel;f suffus
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ReplyDeleteThe consept of spend is not from the Unseen Father. That thought comes from the fallen Lucifer. Spend makes god's image to allow god's image to have less than what they really wanted or nothing at all. Asking is seen as being a bad thing to do. God gave to us the best. God wants us to be the same one to another. Money makes people to feel sufficient unto themselves, thinking only of themselves. Satan feels comfortable in a person like that.
ReplyDeleteDon't be offended by the sight of parts that can make life. A Christan will not make a sour face when seeing them. The church and businesses are the same as the truthless den of theives. Christ did not come here. Jesus did not war against indians that did not use money. It is blasphamy to say he did. People are saying he did calling this a Christian nation.
ReplyDeleteChrist is that grace living in the mind of a person. That grace keeps people from being cast into Satan's prison for judgment day 1 Peter 3:19- 20, KJV. That grace keeps people from seeing God as fire. They that give fire wanting fire giving laws like what we have will reap fire becoming ashes forever. Those laws did not exist before 1492.
ReplyDeleteThey that have grace will be kind to others not seen as your own blessing people with their words. That blessing does not include empty words liked peace be upon you like what Muslim's say. That phrase is a vain repetition designed to fool people. Isaiah was naked when he preached. So called Christians would call the cops on him.
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ReplyDeleteCaesar had his name and image on the coin. Who do you think the coin belonged to? God's image was giving to god's image what was God's in the begginning. Faith waits for what is not yet seen. How does a person get over that - faith? Why need faith when what is not yet seen is finally seen? Faith is not thousands of things equal to the number of church names. Faith Comes from Jesus
ReplyDeleteDon't be against Israel. God will be against they that are against Israel. Free as we know it is a lie. There is no free anything. Money existing makes free to be a lie. Free existed before 1492. Muslims not p[aliostinisans. Muslims want to destroy us like they destroy whatever nation they are in. Muslims are in the possess of destroying India.
ReplyDeleteLie. Jesus allowed swords. He did not allow for indiscriminate slaying with swords. Jesus wants to rule over people. Jesus is a kind ruler.
ReplyDeleteIt is not What happened January 6. It is what caused January 6. Democrats are hiding the truth. What else should you exspect?
ReplyDeleteMuslims are obeying Satan. That being does not look like what the church says. The being is extremely bright and colorful. Gold and gems cover that beings body. That being made people think that gays were bad. That distracts away from who is bad. Satan who is unseen, right now, is bad. That being reveals how bad that being is by what that being says. That being makes peacful people seem to be bad.
ReplyDeleteWhy is money not seen as being worthless? Why are Christs teachings seen as being worthless? God's mind needs to control us, not money world wide. Jesus controlled himself. We need to do he same thing. Christ in our mind judging yourself.
ReplyDeleteDon't care about seeing a God made reproductive part. Mans laws about nudity are stupid. News people need their ungodly tongue removed. Jesus is not heard.
ReplyDeleteThe churches blessed money that they brought here in 1492 caused the abortion no abortion mess. Hope you are happy. Indians did fine without money for a long time. We have can make nice things now that people did not have then. People could have them by peacefully asking. God is a kind gentile being. He wants to be in our mind being good to others not killing each other. The world needs to change.
ReplyDeleteThe thing police work to get is an anti-Christ thing. It most definitely is not a godly thing. Indians had God in their mind controling them even as Jesus had the Unseen Father in their mind. Not doing that world wide has lead to this. What is evil with freely God has given us all things freely give, and Knock and the door will be opened, and ask and receive and seek and find?
ReplyDeletePro-life people did not come here in 1492. You know what they brought with them. You know what they did. Indians had God in their mind controling them even as Jesus had the Unseen Father in their mind. Not doing that world wide has lead to this. What is evil with freely God has given us all things freely give, and Knock and the door will be opened, and ask and receive and seek and find?
ReplyDeletePeople will be male and Female in God's visual kingdom. Blood and our digestive tract will no longer exist. That is meats for the belly and the belly for meats that will be destroyed. Our secrets or genitalia will not be destroyed.
ReplyDeleteJesus is an alien. We therefore are aliens too. UFOs are real. I have seen five of them. Two silver shaped cigar UFOs came 300 feet or closer to me one day. One was really big one followed by a smaller one. They sounded like a rough sounding firefighting prop plane when they were close to me. I was spell bound by them.
ReplyDeleteTrump was against the no abortion thing. Money is at the root of all evil. The Unseen Father wants to control us not wanting money to control us. Jesus obeyed the Unseen Father.
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ReplyDeleteThe writer of this article is absolutely right., People complaining about a kiss between two women are idiots. Heartless destroying idiots. Jesus is the only one who is good in this sinful body of ours. We need to acknowledge that. The people who cringe at the harmless act of kissing on Buzz Lightyear movie are cringing about the sight parts that made them, and other kinds of life to exist. Self ha
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ReplyDeleteThe writer of this article is absolutely right., People complaining about a kiss between two women are idiots. Heartless destroying idiots. Jesus is the only one who is good in this sinful body of ours. We need to acknowledge that. The people who cringe at the harmless act of kissing on Buzz Lightyear movie are cringing about the sight parts that made them, and other kinds of life to exist. Self-hate.
ReplyDeleteTrump: Money is bad. Look at what money bringing people did to the Indians. Good people would have gone back to Spain. They would have been like the Indians not using money. Leif Ericson who went back to Greenland was not using money at the time. We need to care about others not money. Money makes us and them. The Unseen Father needs to control us like he controlled Jesus. God gave us the best. We need to be that way one to another. The lack of money will not make people to be poor. Communication becomes money under control. God controlling whoever. They will have eternal life.
ReplyDeleteThis is not the judging Jesus used. Where did Jesus' arrest people? Please tell me. You will not find it. He that is death arrests people through people. People engage in sex and sexual play. God says condemn for without doing that no one will be saved. Scripture does not say that. People know it and yet act as if that is in scripture.
ReplyDeleteIt is mean to put Limits on E bikes. Satan wants god's image to be mean to itself. Satan cannot work through a person who is not wanting to be like that being.
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ReplyDeleteEverything is about money not each other. That is why the License is needed for an unrestricted E Bike. Money is needed to get whatever. Ask and receive is using our ability to communicate in a reasonable kind way. Devils don't want us to do that. Money makes us to think we are thinking of others, not thinking of others at all. Satan likes being self-deceived through a person
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ReplyDeleteAbortion makes women think I can have all the sex I want killing the baby. They are like the enemies of the Babylonians' who bashed Babylonian babies upon rocks. God bashed nothing. He saw what would happen. Money makes people to think in that way. Money makes women think I need to kill my baby. I don't want to have less money. No abortion puts woman at risk when they have a legitimate emergency.
ReplyDeleteIndians did not waist anything. Abortion was not even thought of. They did not use money. Wasters destroyed the Indians and their way of life. Catholic church did that coming here from Spain. Popes in the present work on making popes of the past seem to be good. It is wicked magic.
ReplyDeleteSatan says inappropriate not the Unseen Father. The Unseen Father needs to be in our mind. That is life. Stop trying to pacify demons - fallen angels. God does not care had he see dog dicks, or testicles or sheathes. God does not care had he see hands on those parts or see that part in an existing hole on a body. Devils have no peace in them freaking out about anything.
ReplyDeleteSome people think we are living in a computer simulation. Death did not exist in the begginning. That is what people are sensing not able to put their finger on it. I can do that.
ReplyDeletePeople are denied the right to be themselves. Do unto others what you want others do unto you is not obeyed. This is supposed to be a Christian nation, right? Where did Jesus teach convict a person of a crime? Jesus taught don't work out your own salvation. Make people to tremble whenever you can entrapping them with many laws. Jesus taught that? People will say no, and yet that is what people do.
ReplyDeleteSatan thinks against. Jesus gives us rest to our mind, not thinking convict. That responsibility rests on Christs shoulders, not our shoulders. The fornicating Satan will place his heavy law upon they that serve that heavy fornicating Satan, who is separated from God. Those people will give what they have. He that gives peace that the world cannot give will not be in them. Death will be in them.
ReplyDeleteGod gives us the right to live. Chose ye this day who you will serve. That that serve Satan will enforce heavy laws. Christs laws are light. Males and females will be married to Satan or Jesus. Christs condemning enemies were married to Satan. That being was their father. Court people are married to Satan who makes heavy suffocating laws. Jesus is not in it. The lack of free makes people to kill.
ReplyDeleteWe need to judge ourselves as to how we are compared to Jesus. The church says Jesus teaching us nothing about Jesus. It is he is born, and then dies. That says nothing. Some say raised again; still saying nothing about Jesus. Jesus did not charge a price. Jesus forgave others for whatever never condemning anyone, even when he was perfect. Jesus spoke in a kind way. Jesus' control himself.
ReplyDeleteMass gay marrage in Mexico, =^_^=. This is very good. People need to also eliminate zoophilia - zoosexual laws too. People need to judge themselves comparing themselves to how Jesus is. Jesus is kind to people and whatever life. Jesus controls himself. Peace results when Christ comes in. They will save their soul.
ReplyDeleteKilling does not glorify God. killing is not doing Christs good pleasure. Heaven is peacful. Heaven needs to be in our mind before we die or before Jesus shows up. 1 Peter 3:19-20 (KJV) 19 By which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison; The people in Satan's prison were violently minded people like you, Putin. Noah was peacful. That is why God saved him. Be like Noah Putin.
ReplyDeleteJesus is not a man. Jesus was God visually seen having blood in him untill resurrected.
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ReplyDeleteClothing is not normal. Humans were naked in the begginning. Death is not normal. Death did not exist in the begginning. Unfriendly froward speach is not normal. That did not exist in the begginning. Money is not normal. Money did not exist in the begginning Lucifer who fell brought froward speach, death, clothing, and money through sinful flesh. Texas people are not thinking. People who are not thinking made Biden to use Fraud to do what he did calling it sweet. I judge rightly.
ReplyDeleteBe mad at people who came here in 1492 bringing a strange thing called money, Trump. Babies are being sacrificed to that Idol. Christs teachings are not found therein even when in God we trust is written on bill and coin. That phrase is a lie. It is in money we trust.
Christ is not in the church tormenting people. Devils torment people through people. Christ is not in the state. The state makes laws that the church is happy with. Those laws torment people.
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ReplyDeleteThe Pope is an evil deceptive liar. Don't join the catholic church. Come out of her. A civil union is not marrage. The church engages in fake marrage. Marriage to the church is all about money. Two are needed. Twain shall become one. The Pope thinks more people to put money into offering plates. The Pope has no life in him thus is throwing a death line to LGBTQ people and zoosexuals too. The Pope wants people to kill pedophilia people. jesus will not do that. The Pope does not use righteous judging. The Pope and Texas are using Satan's laws when they use illegal and legal. Judge yourself. Devils have no idea about that. Devils have no idea what mind your own business working with your own hands means either. Devils have no understanding.
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ReplyDeleteThis is about the abortion or no abortion issue. The heart needs to love people not a piece of cloth and coins. Cloth and coin came here in 1492. People did not care about people. Indians were slaughtered. A Christian coming here would have respected the natives that were here going back to Spain even as Leif Ericson went back to Greenland. No money does not mean having inferior whatever. God gave the best to us. God needs to be in our mind.
ReplyDeleteMoney makes people abort life. No money makes people to abort life. How can people say that money is not evil fooling the mind? Left and media are planed liars. They are empty minded emotionally driven liars. Left people don't think. They rely on emotions only.
ReplyDeleteWe need to judge ourselves. How is that not understood and agreed upon? We need to judge like Jesus judged and judge in the manner that he taught Peter to judge seeing who loved whoever more and why. People dived in in the opposite direction. That made the legal system with god's image being earthly judges. zoos love. gays love pedophilia people love. See that knowing why. Be happy that people love others, and whatever. Let jesus judge as to who is like jesus and who is not like Jesus. That will save more souls.
ReplyDeleteWhere are Christs words in the constitution? Where is Christs counsel in the constitution? We make each other to be free. We are created equal. All have death in us. Constitution does not talk about that. Money makes people to think otherwise. Color makes people to think otherwise. The law as trump calls it is not the peacful, reasonable, kind, moneyless law that Jesus kept.
ReplyDeleteI thought Jesus was supreme, Trump? Don't you know scripture? OH - Yea: you are a catholic, just like Biden. States did not exist before 1492. Don't you know history, Trump? I am no respecter of persons. I say what is. OH, yea saving lives with military graveyards full. Military dead are put into landfills. Indian slaughter made the Holocaust in Germany to look tiny. zoo's & gays are killed. The people who came here made Putin to be the way he is.
ReplyDeleteLeft people need to praise good when they see it. I see much to praise in DR Seuss, and much to praise in the cartoon characters you condemn and call bad for the stupidest reasons, like MR Potato Head having MR as part of his name. His is not a bad word. There is no Biblical support for what are called swear words. Don't swear saying an oath that God does not want you to say. I am surprised that left people did not condemn the piggy banks cork representing a sheath containing a sexual organ.
ReplyDeletePeople are dence. Human is not interracial. People is not interracial. People are people, and if not, what are they?
ReplyDeletePutin hates the laws that Jesus kept. Putin is not Christan.
ReplyDeleteThe nude body is beutiful. People made clothing to be beutiful. God's enemy hates the nude form. evil is unseen. Evil makes itself to look good in order to deceive whoever. We need to be dependent on each other being good to each other, being each other's money. Inflation cannot happen. People make things. Satan is independant of the Father God. That being wants us to think like that being.
ReplyDeleteBeing given a man to help her. The man is her help mate. There is nothing bad about that in Mulan.
ReplyDeleteThe consept of ownership did not exist here before `1492. People will however own things in God's kingdom. That is why stealing is frowned upon. No one will break through and steal in God's visual kingdom.
ReplyDeleteGod is moral. God gave us gifts of every sort. We make things emulating God. God will keep those gifts from his children using money as a condition to obtain them? That is not what God did in the begginning. Money is the condition to save life or not save life. It is not the life itself. Can people see now how evil money is? God wants to control us. Woe into they that don't have God saving them.
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ReplyDeleteAberham was brave killing wicked kings like unto Islamic people. They are the descendants of Esau and Ishmael. Jacob was called Israel. That is why Muslims hate Israel. Jews lived on all of that land 300 years before Muslim was a name. Islam is inky darkness. Blind people cannot see that. Lucifer is independant of God. Lucifer wants his image to be independant of each other. Enter money.
ReplyDeleteJesus dishes out justice to they that refuse to be like Jesus when he was on the earth. People who try to be like the Lord of glory who comes back with power and great glory will be burned up in light that existed befor time. The USA made Putin to think that earthly power was God's power.
ReplyDeleteUSA is all about force. Don't lie to this arctic fox. The police force would arrest me had I walk around nude with a backpack dressing and undressing when I wanted to dress and or undress. Each individual faces judgment. It is how they are compared to how Jesus is. That is what matters. Voting cannot do that. Voting makes mobs to attack individuals like what happened in Sodom.
ReplyDeleteTrump is not a fascist. People who love fraud, saying they are not fraudulent when they admitted it to our face are godly?
ReplyDeleteTrump was trying to not let things fall apart. He knew Biden would mess things up royally. It had nothing to do with a selfish ambition to remain in office. Trump knew that fraud was being done in secret out of the sight of the Public's view.
ReplyDeleteAll will face judgment. People who are like Jesus will be saved. The teaching of eternal torment does not teach that. Pastors and priests need to be punished for not teaching the truth.
ReplyDeleteMake those adopting places close down. They are robing parts from dogs that you would not want to be robed from you. People who run them need to be treated in the same way or quite that barbaric practice in what is a jail and a death camp for non-human mammals.
ReplyDeletePeople accused zoosexuals of raping. The accusers lied. How much truth is in words that Jesus would never say? Zero truth. We need to judge ourselves. Accusing, and condemning cannot save you. The opposite will happen.
ReplyDeleteWe need to be merciful one to another like God is merciful to us. Time and chance happens to all of us. Money makes people to destroy each other. Money raises the ego making people think they are better than a person who has less money than what another person has. Self-deception. Freely we have received all things, freely give, needs to be world wide.
ReplyDeleteMoney is not needed in a godly resource based society. It is wise to think beyond what is being like Jesus. Ther world needs to work as one. That means more resources.
ReplyDeleteWe have no past lives. Once to live and then the judgment. Life eternal, or death eternal.
ReplyDeleteEverything started to crumble when Biden got in with fraud. How can good result when a person does that? The charade cannot be maintained Biden.
ReplyDeleteThere is no excuse to not make animation to have a sheath and testicles etc. Fred Basset, a comic strip basset hound has a sheath.
ReplyDeleteThere is no excuse to not make animation to have a sheath and testicles etc. Fred Basset, a comic strip basset hound has a sheath. People are always looking to see if whatever mammal has a set of balls. People are secretly looking under statues and toys to see if they are represented on whatever. People want to see Scooby doo with a set on his animated form. He is not ashamed of them. Why should we be ashamed of them?
ReplyDeletePeople wanting the world to use money instead of allowing the Unseen Father to control them will want death just as much as people who want the right to abort life.
ReplyDeleteRegarding gays. Be good to them. John 5:22“For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son:” Psalms 37:37“Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright: for the end of that man is peace. ”James 5:6-8:6 Ye have condemned and killed the just; and he doth not resist you." God wants us to love others, not kill others. Be peacful following their example. Romans 2:1. Don't condemn or be condemed for doing the same things.
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ReplyDeleteGod's laws are eternal. Bowing is not an eterrnal law, Muslims. Heaven is not about starving yourself and bowing. That would be a really weird place had bowing and fasting be God's laws. Fasting, and bowing are not eternal laws. Bowing and fasting cannot save your soul. Bowing and fasting have no counsel in them to make people to be good to others. Man's laws cannot save your soul, either. There is no counsel in them. Man's laws are fickle. They are for abortion, and then they are against abortion. Asking to receive whatever to make whatever, costs zero dollars. Asking to receive said item, costs zero dollars. It was that way in the beginning. God's laws are good. God's laws in us will keep us from working ill to others. God will keep whoever under control so as to not go hog wild when real free is used. People will save their soul, when they have self control.
ReplyDeleteThis is a comment I wrote regarding a Charle brown comic strip. Charle brown is great. His kind meek self-caring about others is what makes Charlie brown to be great. He is a winner in my eyes no matter what. Charlie brown weeps with those that weep. Charle Brown says what is good, lovely and true giving a good report. If there be any virtue if there be any praise think on these things. Charlie Brown does that. Charle Brown edifies Joe, and rightly so.
ReplyDeleteSo called Christians brought money. That made people to panic when they did not have enough money aborting life. People who did not want to lose money did the same thing. Both ends of the spectrum. Christ did not bring that. Satan brought that acting holy in people.
ReplyDeleteThis is about a dad sleeping with one of his daughters. The daughter wanted him to sleep with her to help her get to sleep. People are ripping the dad apart. Christs enemies are they that rip and tear at others. The Unseen Father does not do that through a person. Putin is ripping and tearing the Ukraine apart. You call that bad. Look at yourself. David married his sister Rachel. He loved her.
ReplyDeleteHeterosexuals do what gays do. Putin is doing worse than vexing the gay with filthy conversation. 2 Peter 2:7 - 8, KJV. The sun is constantly changing Ing. The sun gradually burns hotter the less hydrogen there is to burn. Fusion speeds up when the sun gets hotter. The earth in turn will get hotter. That heat melts permafrost releasing Methane into the air. That makes things to get hotter.
ReplyDeleteSatan edifies no one. Shut up will Ya? A Bungling boob was being railroaded in. That made Trump do what he did. All can see what happened when the bungling boob Biden got what he wanted. Trump was right.
ReplyDeleteNatural things like animal sheaths, testicles and penises depicted on animated whatever are not seen as being wholesome. We would not have life without them. People would not exist. People are dumb. People who think God made things real and imagined are bad for kids to see have no business controlling what kids can see, and not see.
ReplyDeleteAdult is a lie. We are God's children. He made us. The Drag queens are not holding machine guns. They are not recruiting people for the military. They are not people flying Jets designed to kill life. That is the problem.
ReplyDeleteA child at a strip club will see what God made. How horrible, utterly terrible. God is bad for making skin and genitalia.
ReplyDeleteGod made nude. Satan hates it. What else would you exspect?
Long hair is a shame unto a man? It is in the form of a Question, not a statement. Don't people know the difference between a statement and a question? The Question is saying this: long hair is not a shame unto a man. Catholic leaders have scripture all messed up not having God's spirit in them when they read scripture.
ReplyDeleteThe wording religious rights sounds good being false. Rights will exist when the condemning Legal library is no more. People need to be like Jesus. Simple as that. Prayer as you see it is prayer that Christs enemies would pray, not Christ. The consept of funding existed in the beginning? Jamie's 1:26 - 27 verses are not talking about religon as a belief system. Jesus is the judge, not you.
ReplyDeleteThe court state and government keeps its distance from this: Visiting the widow and fatherless in their affliction. State, court. and government work hard at making laws that afflict everyone. Government, court, and state works hard on making homeless. Rejected teaching's that Chrtist taught is doing that. People cannot visit people who wander all over the place.
ReplyDeleteThere is nothing people can do eternally speaking with the court system. Satan is working through people. People are incredibly dumb. The court does not teach people to fear God. The court makes people to fear man. Lot feared the people around his house. Sodomite minds made the legal system.
ReplyDeleteGod told people to not punish Cain. People end up doing the opposite of what God wants. Jesus is the Judge. The land of Nod is now. People are nodding saying yes to what God said no to. Melchizedek was Jesus without blood in him. Aberham saw what Christs enemies should have seen. Shalom means peace. Melchizedek was the King of Peace. The Lord of Glory.
ReplyDeleteThe Donkey talked. The Donkey obeyed God, when men refuse to obey God. We are the sons and daughters of God. Angels are sexless. Their number cannot increase. The catholic church is run by real witches. Witches think the dead can hear us. Catholic church thinks Mary can hear us. Islam would not exist had it not be for the catholic church that is run by witches.
ReplyDeleteSatan does not look like what is taught by the church. Muhammad as a result was fooled by a bright colorful being who was dressed with gold and every precious gem. Ham said a word that Satan says which is naked. The other sons of Aberham refrained from saying that word giving guilt. Jacob prevailed even when he married his sister. Giving his wives and Concubines to Esau did not make to lose.
ReplyDeleteRaising the dead. Whatever you do, do it to the glory of God. God alone has power over death. We are the human race. Interracial is a lie. Bartholomew must have been a righteous man. Did Mew - Mew the Pokémon get his name from the end of Bartholomew's name?
ReplyDeleteThe resurrection of the wicked unchains Satan in Revelation 20, KJV. Satan is dressed in gold and gems. Wicked build two cities called Gog and Magog. Wicked try to take what seems to be an unfortified city with no look out towers. No mote. No draw bridge. There is no place for archers either. They can look through the walls. No one is dressed in battle gear. Weapons are nowhere to be seen.
ReplyDeleteGod's light shines out of the city gats that are on the four sides of the city. That light filles the entier area eliminating darkness. Wicked are burned up by that light. They look like a lake of fire. They end up being ashes. The soul that sins it shall die. God is not bragging. He is describing an incredible creature. Elephants have legs like iron. They are vegetarians
ReplyDeleteNobody is talking about the thing that came here causing people to even think about abortion. You know what it is.
ReplyDeleteHas anyone talked about ending money world wide? Money did not exist befor 1492. Abortion was not even thought of before 1492.
ReplyDeleteJuneteenth is based on am lie. We are people. Money made people to not seem to be people.
ReplyDeleteLeft people are not gay in my book. Gays are not condeming cartoon characters. Left is another animal. Muslims want the inclusion thing which is a lie. We are people. Diversity is a lie for the same reason. Money makes people to seem to not be equal one with another. Justice. Pled for others. Money makes people to be bad to people. Jesus is the judge, not us.
ReplyDeleteAngels cannot replicate. The number of lost and saved angels remains the same. We are God's sons and daughters. No. We can be emortal like the angels, but that is all. The angel of death was the fallen Lucifer. Angelic angels say fear not when seen. Not so when Satan shows up. Lucifer was one of the covering cherubs. That being suffocates people forcing them to recite, possessing them. Get away.
ReplyDeleteThe Lascivious person is the person who makes laws to condemn people for doing what they do. They think about sex constantly. Fornication and carnal have nothing to do with sex. Jesus counseled people to not have the righteousness of the scribes and pharisee's.
ReplyDeleteNo one can have a past life.. Once to live and then the judgment. Eternal life or eternal death.
ReplyDeleteIs the no condemn thing real? People like zoos and clothing optonal people etc. can be themselves not worrying about being arrested? People can actually have young nude images of God not being arrested accused of having child pornography? Fat chance of that. Police earn money arresting people. Money made abortion to exist. The church made doing what Jesus taught to be against the law - a sin.
ReplyDeleteYea lady, you say God's image, calling the cops the moment clothing is not seen on that on image. Clothing therefore is God to you. Clothing optional being allowed with people working out their own salvation not making others to tremble will prove your words to be true. Indians did not have to think Roe V wade. Money did not exist. God was in them controlling them.
ReplyDeleteFreely we have received all things from God, freely give that Jesus taught, could help those women. The best could be asked for. Doing that locally restricts those things. The resources of the world need to be utilized before the pursuit of money destroys God's gifts completely. They that control themselves will be saved. People who brought money were pro death. People with guns killed Indians.
ReplyDeleteIndians thrived not thinking affordable. Neither does God. Those indians were way healthier than what Americas were from 1492 untill now. Grostic and NUCCA precision chiropractic would be available to everyone. Fantastic preventative care. Other techneque names on Upcspine. Must be board certified in X rays like base Posterior, analysis of X rays, + other Upper cervical spesific only techniques.
ReplyDeleteRamadan is of Satan who is dressed in gold every precious gem. That being cannot use the name Father God. Muslims righteousness is like the righteousness of Christs enemies. His faith is a false consept. Faith comes by reading God's word. That is one. How then can faith be many or my faith? Why need faith when what is not yet seen is finally seen? Muslims are being lied to by their Allah.
ReplyDeleteChrist is not in the constitution. I judge rightly. No one can argue against me, and win. How can the USA call itself Christian when it calling a court system Supreme, knowing full well that Jesus is supreme? He obeyed the Unseen Father and continues to obey the Unseen Father. That Unseen Father needs to be in our mind not condemning peacful people. Laws are condemning people 24/7.
ReplyDeletePeople can pray without bowing at all. Prayer is communicating to the Unseen Father who is in your mind. Jamies 1:26 -27, KJV talks about pure undefiled religon. How is conduct connected to that? How can a person abandon or exercise waiting - faith? Satan thinks ashes hence Ash Wednesday. Wicked will become ashes in God's light that shines from Jesus.
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ReplyDeleteCourt law not being Christs law automatically makes court law to be Satan's law. Isn't that a bit disconcerting court Judges?
ReplyDeletePeople by their laws and actions think that God upon seeing naked person will call the cops on them saying all kinds of negitive words. Modest apparel, and costly array has to do with what a person puts onto their body. Costly array makes the person think they are better than a person who is not dressed in the manner that they are dressed.
ReplyDeleteThey that make law as we know it made the person to interfere with his sex life making law makers just as guilty as the person who interfered with a person's sex life. He was pissed and rightly so. The person who poked his nose into that person's sex life got bit as they say emulating the Legal system.
ReplyDeleteTrump is not interested in earthly power. He is interested in us. No one knows how to judge rightly. People who think Pepe Le Pew is bad will be bad not able to judge rightly about anything.
ReplyDeleteRiot and insurrection did not work. Now left people are using the word siege. People who make cartoon characters to be bad will be they that are bad. left people have wicked imaginations.
ReplyDeleteDevils are playing with him. Devils brought money. Russel Crowe is clueless. Devils came here in people in 1492. Russel Crow thinks they were great people. He is mistaken. Jesus said go to fallen beings, devils said where? Nothing fancy. No crucifix holding it up. No long drawn out you had better obey me rigmarole. No Latin words.
ReplyDeleteGays are not Sodomites. Sodomite minds destroyed what Indians carefully preserved. Sodomites call condemning sweet. Money causes people to condemn life itself. That did not happen before 1492 on this continent. A roll of bills are held high rather than a baby. A Baal alter is nearby for a baby to be sacrificed upon when money exists. I don't want to loss money or don't have money. Kill the baby.
ReplyDeleteWitches don't look like what you think. The spirit within makes a person to be evil or not. Jesus was faced with fault finding people who were wrong when they condemed Jesus of doing something wrong. Witches make people think they are righteous not being righteous. The pope is a witch thinking Mary can hear us. Mary is dead. There is no truth in the Pope. Muslims are deceiving witches too.
ReplyDeleteNo one gives a damn what leftists have to say. They tell half of the story being deceptive. Fraudulent people are deceptive people. No question about that. Deceptive people will not tell the truth, period.
ReplyDeleteGod's law is not legal and illegal. Money came. Abortion came with it. Cause and effect.
ReplyDeleteThe church taught people to worship clothing and money. That makes people to be a pierceable thing.
ReplyDeleteDevils ask stupid questions. The sun and moon will not shine their light. That will make nations tremble. Constatations will no longer shine their light. Light from Jesus will melt the earth to the lowest depths or lowest hell making eliments to be like they were before sin. Islands will move from their places. Mountains will be made low. valley's will rise. Rough places will be made to be smooth.
ReplyDeleteThis is about school shootings. You will save your soul when you are good to a person. Be good to a person. Be good to Jesus. Do good. Get good in the end. Do evil. Get evil in the end. Reap what you sow. Get what you give. Teachers will not sin when they say that.
ReplyDeleteJesus is not talking through Proud boys. They have the proud look that God hates. Dicks and testicles make families. Proud boys think they are a threat to that which they make. Proud boys have a problem. Church made the problem demonizing God's image while at the same time say they speak for God. Non-human mammal sheaths real and imagined are demonized. Devils are doing that through people.
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ReplyDeleteWhere did God talk about age appropriate anything? The eqivalent to the scribes and pharisees of Christs time are running things. Expose kids to battleships, fighter jets, missile loaded helicopters. Nuclear carrying B 52s, and stealth jets, and M 16 weapons and condemning laws. They are just fine. They are designed to kill families. Expose kids to that. Money does not cause enough death.
ReplyDeleteSodomy being sex is a lie. People who don't talk like Jesus will be a sodomite; just as much as Christs enemies who mistakenly thought they were not born of fornication. Real Sodomites made anal sex to be sodomy.So0domnites made the legal system. The Unseen Father does not condemn people. The mind of the unseen Father needs to be in our mind.
ReplyDeleteLegally cannot be accurate. Legal is fickle. Legal and illegal can suddenly change. God's law saying love works no ill to their neighbor remains constant. They that keep it will live forever.
ReplyDeleteThat is a lie. Trump is for the gays. Left people want gays to panic. Trump was not against abortion. People need to be for what Christ taught. Ask and receive and freely we received all things freely give will not lead to a minimalistic existence like some people fear. Money being used will deplete what God gave to us. Unsold patents all over the place. The maker of free wants to be in our mind.
ReplyDeleteKing Fernando consept of free is the same as the USA which is not allowing anyone to be free. People are afraid to be themselves. You know of the fear giving laws that exist. Money causes bondage not freedom. King Fernando was lying like usual to people. That decree has nothing to do with what Jesus obeyed, recorded in scripture. Money enslaved people. Indians were free when the white man was not here. Indians knew they were being lied to with that decree.
ReplyDeleteCortez and judges. We need to judge ourselves even as Jesus judged himself. Jesus did not instruct us to have human judges over others. Money enslaves all. Devils are blind and dumb.
Laws as they were called were the doctrines the commandments of men, not God’s laws.
Mixed races are another lie. We are humans. Satan’s spirit came to this continent.
To call money profit is to call God a liar saying he gave to us every good gift from above. Those things make us to be rich. Indians were rich.
Spanish and Indians could not counsel the Aztec people saying we are made in the creator’s image. Harm that image. Harm the creator. Both are connected. Wisdom was absent – non- existent in the people who came here. That made war the only thing to lean upon. God’s law was not in their mind. Thus, it was not taught.
Jesus called tax collectors sinners. What does that make money to be?
Justice: Jesus is the King of peace, and the Judge of all. Compassion is found in the justice Jesus talks about through us. People think a heavy hand. Money brings injustice. People are punished when they don’t have enough money.
The book starts out with a lie. The dead are in hell. That is in the earth. The dead don't know anything. Jesus calls it a sleep.
ReplyDeleteFree cannot be real when only a few thngs don't have a price tag. God said: this is extremally desirable. It will cost more than something else? Of course not. Imagine waking up one morning Going to work mining for said ore to make whatever finding nothing? People end up finding the earths cupboards are empty. What will money do for you then? Whoever says money is needed are calling Christs teachings bad. People who came here promoting God were bashing God at the same time promoting money. People could get exactly what they want had money, not be a limiting factor. Remember this: God's image made it. Be good to it
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ReplyDeleteBliss by hairy bliss: Dog: don't have a mischievous streak. He needs to respect the cat who is friendly to that rat. Rat scratches the cats back no doubt. Dog needs to refrain from making fun of the cat. Cat feels bad for not being like other cats. Dog: I don't condemn they that walk their own peacful paths. What do you mean? Did someone tell you? No, I saw what you did not want others see, fear not. I understand.